Kerry M.
Judy brings an extremely relatable element and such a positive outlook to personal training.
Nancy O.
Judy is just the person to work with you if you’re having trouble getting started!
Dawn A.
Judy is just plain awesome! She is highly knowledgeable and will work with you to help you reach your personal goals!!
Judy cares so much about the people she works with. You will enjoy her training.
Megan M.
I have been working with Judy for over a month now and I feel better than ever! I’m moving more and I just went through the holidays without gaining any weight! Yippee!! Now moving forward to working on losing the weight! Judy tailors your program to fit your ability and your needs! Judy rocks!!
Janine T.
Just love Judy! She is great!
Marcy S.
Highly recommend Judy if you want someone to get you on track that knows what they are talking about. Knowledge and experience with the positive energy and light of a thousand fireflies.
Catherine M.
You will love working with Judy. She is knowledgeable, has great energy, and is dedicated to helping you succeed.
Phyllis C.
Judy definitely knows what she is doing and I love her integrity. When she says she will do something, it gets done. Trust her to help you get empowered.
Karissa S.
Judy is an amazing trainer. I've been working with her for over a year and gained over 10 pounds of muscle. Every session she changes things up just to keep you and your body guessing. She does just enough to keep pushing you to the next level and soreness in the next couple days. Never would I have thought that I could have the amount of transformation in my body in as little is 1 hour, two times a week. Highly recommended!